No-Churn Vanilla Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream


  • 2 cups whipping cream (35%)
  • 1 14oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 or 2 small milk chocolate Easter Bunnies (or your choice of goodies like nuts, mini Rolos…)


  1. In a large mixing bowl, whip the cream and vanilla with a hand mixer until soft peaks form.
  2. Drizzle sweetened condensed milk into the cream mixture, a little bit at a time, and continue mixing, but at low speed until thick and fluffy like really soft ice cream.
  3. When it looks ready, gently fold in your chocolate bits or other additives.
  4. Spoon into a freezer safe container (I used a large margarine container) and freeze for at least 6 hours.