Cookies for Santa

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Who remembers leaving out milk and cookies for Santa before going to bed on Christmas Eve? I sure do…I remember waking up very, very early Christmas morning and before I even glanced at the tree, I checked to see if the cookies and milk were gone. Because, you know, if they were still there I would have to hustle back to bed and wait a little longer. I didn’t want to take a chance that I woke up before Santa left the presents. That would be absolutely horrible!!

Today in North America, it is a well-known tradition to leave a glass of milk and a few cookies out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. But it hasn’t always been that way. One theory that I have heard is that this is derived from an older tradition when children would stuff stockings with goodies for Santa and hang them by the chimney for him. These days, those stockings are mostly filled with goodies for the family.

This tradition really took off in the 1930s during the Great Depression. It is said that many parents tried to teach their children the value of giving to others and showing gratitude for the gifts they were lucky enough to receive on Christmas morning. To do this, they would set out a glass of milk and a small plate of cookies for the Great Man himself, and sometimes even a few carrots for his reindeer.

Some have said that this tradition has it’s roots even farther back…all the way to ancient Norse mythology. Odin (the most important Norse god) was believed to have an eight-legged horse named Sleipner. During the Yule season, children would leave food out for Sleipner to entice Odin to stop by on his travels and leave gifts in return.

Throughout the years, different countries adapted their own offerings to fit the season. British and Australian children offer sherry and mince pies. Swedish youngsters leave rice porridge and little ones in Ireland offer up a pint of Guinness with the cookies. Of course, the French children leave out a glass of wine for Père Noël along with hay and carrots for his donkey, Gui.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I personally think that the glass of milk and a plate of cookies is exactly the right treat for Santa. Especially if they are cookies baked with LOVE!

Hey Santa, make sure you blow out that candle after you eat the cookies and drink the milk! Remember…safety first!

Click on the links below to view my favorite Cookie recipes:

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